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학회소식학술 및 논문경진대회

학술 및 논문경진대회

제목 [Deadline Extention] Call for Papers : 2024 Industrial Security Paper Competition ( ~ 2024.07.29.)
작성자 관리자 등록일시 2024-06-03 19:40:23
첨부파일 파일 다운로드 1. 2024 Paper Submission Form (signature required).docx
파일 다운로드 2. 2024 Paper Template.docx
파일 다운로드 2024 Industrial Security Paper Competition Poster.pdf

KAIS (The Korean Association for Industrial Security) has been hosting the Industrial Security Paper Competition annually since 2013. Up until now, it has been a domestic competition, but starting this year, it will be held as an international event to gather ideas from and facilitate exchange among researchers, practitioners, and students in the field of industrial security from around the world.


[About the Conference]


Today, cutting-edge technologies are not only crucial for the competitiveness of their respective industries but also determine the supremacy of economic security. Countries around the world are actively fostering related industries to gain comparative advantages in advanced technology fields, while also implementing proactive protection policies to safeguard their superior technologies. In South Korea, as we possess outstanding technologies in areas like semiconductors and displays, we have become targets for industrial spies. Consequently, cases of technology leakage are increasing, such as situations where our nationals accept lucrative salary offers to work abroad and then leak technologies, or provide consultations that lead to technology leaks.


In particular, the leakage of technologies that form the foundation of our nation's growth could have a devastating impact on our national competitiveness, making their protection an urgent matter. While South Korea has established various laws and systems to protect these technologies, certain technologies face issues of overlapping regulations or blind spots. Therefore, it is necessary to resolve imbalances in technology protection policies and enhance their coherence to establish a sustainable industrial security management system. At the corporate level, companies need to formulate security policies to retain core personnel and continuously safeguard their developed core technologies to enable sustainable growth.

To this end, we aim to gather diverse ideas and in-depth research content through the "2024 International Industrial Security Paper Competition" under the theme of "Strengthening Industrial Security for Sustainable Technology Protection." The goal is to realize systematized and continuously maintainable industrial security policies.



1. Themes

■ Themes : Strengthening Industrial Security for Sustainable Technology Protection

 Sub-themes : Various Aspects of Industrial Security, Including Law and Policy, Management, Criminal Psychology

■ A unique study of industrial security distinguished from similar disciplines

- How to upgrade the national core technology protection system

- How to improve company security policies and culture to prevent key personnel leakage

- How to safely use AI for work to prevent technology leaks

- Cloud security measures for companies with national core technology and defense industry technology

- How to respond to emerging technology leaks 

- All other areas related to industrial security policies and technology


2. Eligibility


■ Students of domestic and foreign universities and graduate schools who are capable of writing industrial security-related papers   (no major restrictions)

■ Workers and researchers in industrial security related fields

■ Other members of the public interested in industrial security


3. Important Date

 Submission Deadline

1st Submission : May 15, 2024 ~June 30, 2024 (11:59 pm KST)

2nd Submission : July 1, 2024 ~July 29, 2024 (11:59 pm KST)

 Notification of Acceptance (Paper Review) : Within 4 weeks after the full

■ Oral Presentation Review : Within 4 weeks after the notification of acceptance

 * Presentation of accepted papers is mandatory. Non-attendance will be treated as abandonment of the paper.

■ Award : September 6, 2024 (To be confirmed)
All deadlines are based on Korean Standard Time (KST)


4. Prize


■ The size and number of awards may vary depending on the number of submissions and review results

■ Third prize and above will be reviewed and published in a special issue of the Korean Journal of Industrial Security

* Copyright for winning papers will be announced separately, and awards may not be given if there are no outstanding papers.



5. Manuscript Format

■ Regular Paper : Within 20 pages

■ Short Paper : Within 10 Pages

 It is required that all source citations in the paper follow current APA (American Psychological Association) style as commonly used in the social sciences. Your paper should be typed,double-spaced, 12 point times new roman font with one-inch margins, devoid of spelling and grammatical errors, and written in the third person.

 Research results limited to those not published (including those planned for publication) in domestic or international journals by the submission deadline, or recognized as presentations at academic conferences (in accordance with the practices of relevant societies).



6. More Information

■ To check the announcement to submit,please visit:


■ For English papers, we will accept both the ‘Paper Submission Form’ as well as the ‘Full paper’ through the following Email address (as our paper submission system is not available in English yet)

■ Email : gotothekais@naver.com

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